Aleut International Association

Dedicated to the environmental and
cultural well-being of the Aleut people.
Our endeavors: environment,
culture, collaboration
Advancing the Aleut community through environmental advocacy, cultural preservation, and international collaboration.
Our mission
  • Establish close ties with the Russian Aleut community and the Russian. Northeastern regions to promote protection of the shared environment, preservation of cultural
  • Engage in international activities aimed at improvement of the Arctic environment.
  • Advocate for Indigenous Peoples’ interests in the Arctic as mandated by the Board.
Partnership & Voice
Working together with governments, scientists, and local communities, we are influencing policies and conducting research to boost the Aleut people’s well-being and safeguard their environment.
International Engagement
We actively participate in global initiatives to improve the Arctic environment, strongly advocating for Indigenous peoples’ interests to Indigenous Peoples rights.

Connect with AIA

Your voice matters to us. Whether you have questions, or want to get involved, we’re here to listen and respond.


520 E 32nd Ave

Anchorage, AK 99503

Get in touch!
